About us

Here you will find even more information about us and how we can help you scale your business.








Years of combined

Our Strengths


Expertise and Experience

With a team of highly skilled professionals who possess deep knowledge and understanding of the field, we consistently deliver exceptional results to our clients.

Our years of experience have honed our abilities and allowed us to develop innovative solutions to complex challenges.


Customer-Centric Approach

We strive to understand our clients' unique needs and tailor our services to exceed their expectations.


Customer Satisfaction Track Record

Our commitment to understanding and fulfilling our clients' needs has resulted in a high rate of client satisfaction and long-lasting relationships.


Collaborative Approach

We believe in the power of teamwork and actively foster a collaborative environment both internally and with our clients.


Strong  Partnerships

We have established strong partnerships within the industry, which contribute to our success and enhance the value we provide to our clients

Where you will be after
Client Ascension


You have a clear and defined target market

With a deep understanding of their clients' needs and pain points.

You have a strong brand and unique selling proposition

That sets you apart from competitors.


You have a niche or specialty

That you excel in, and are known as a go-to person in that area.

You have effective marketing and lead generation strategies

In place, with a steady flow of qualified leads coming in.


You have a team of skilled and knowledgeable employees

Who are able to manage tasks efficiently and effectively.

You have a standardized and optimized set of business processes

That are documented and followed consistently.


You track key performance metrics

And use data to inform business decisions.

You have a clear understanding of your finances

Including revenue, expenses, and profitability, and are able to forecast your financial future.


You have a diverse range of clients

With no over-reliance on a small number of clients for revenue.

You have a high client retention rate

Due to effective communication and delivery of services that meet or exceed client expectations.


You are able to stay up-to-date with new technologies and industry trends

And are able to adapt to changes quickly and effectively.

You invest in their employees' training and development

Resulting in a highly skilled and engaged team.


You are able to effectively manage remote or distributed teams

If applicable.

You are able to anticipate changes in client needs and demands

And are able to pivot their services accordingly.


You have efficient communication and collaboration

Within the team and with clients, resulting in smooth workflows and successful project outcomes.

You have systems and tools in place for managing projects and workflows

Resulting in a streamlined and optimized process.


You are skilled in sales and negotiation

Resulting in a higher close rate and better client relationships.

You have a clear and effective sales process

Resulting in a steady flow of new clients.


You have a strong cash flow and revenue stream

With healthy profit margins.

You have a well-run, successful business

That can continue to grow and thrive for years to come.


We show you how to create offers by

Figuring out what the market actually wants

So when they hop on a call with you they're already pre sold.

Developing a straight-line claim based on research

So prospects actually book calls in the first place

Implementing a risk reversal

Without putting you at risk as a business owner, while simultaneously increasing conversion rates & call booking rates

Augmenting & generating your proof

So you stand out in the market, even if you haven't worked with hundreds of clients

Feedback from our clients

$8.5 k/mo + $3000

Closed my largest retainer at $8.5k/mo + $3000 setup

Abdul Ibrahim

Expanding to $428,400.00

Closed out first deal from our Call Center Campaign, $75,600.00 ARR potentially expanding to $428,400.00 ARR when we do well after the initial period.

Daniel Alexsander Viduya

$2,000 one-time service

$2,000 one-time service✔ (with a potential 2,500 USD / monthly upsell)

Nick Zviadadze

I guess this will suffice...

I guess this will suffice since i couldn’t make it to Tampa for a fat cigar.

Antonio Calabrese


First $19+ month in March 👍

Ayman Arab

$5k MRR +$2,5k

Signed a new client late Friday! $5k MRR + $2,5k onboarding fee + 90 days commitment.

Scott Gelbert

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This is only For Marketing Agencies, B2B Businesses, Consultants, and Client Based Businesses (We DO NOT work with beginners).

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