our team

Here you will find information about our team.

our Management

Daniel Fazio

co-founder & CMO

He's generated multiple 7-figures in info product and course sales, and has helped 300+ businesses craft no-brainer offers to generate clients and more sales. He hosts weekly "Offer Creation" coaching calls inside the community, and will work with you 1-on-1 to create a no-brainer offer for your business. Outside of Client Ascension, most known for his course, Cold Email Mastery.

Christian Bonnier

Co-Founder & Creative Director

He's written cold emails for more than 300 businesses, and has generated multi-7 figures in B2B deals from his cold email copy. Outside of cold email, Christian has also grown 2 Twitter accounts, his own & Andre's, to 20k+ followers. Christian hosts weekly "Cold Email Strategy" calls inside the community.

Andre Haykal Jr.

Co-Founder & CEO

Andre scaled a cold email lead generation agency to 100k/month as the head of fulfillment and operations. He's helped more than 300 businesses scale with systems, hiring and automations, and hosts a weekly "Operations & Hiring" Live call inside the community.

Dan Crowley

Co-Founder & Head of Sales

He has closed more than 7-figures in high ticket deals for a lead generation agency, and is responsible for more than 2 million dollars in sales as a Sales Director. Dan is available for 1-on-1 sales consulting inside the community.

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