How to Realistically Make a $100k a Month - by Daniel Fazio

How to Realistically Make a $100k a Month - by Daniel Fazio

How to Realistically Make a $100k a Month - by Daniel Fazio

Making $100,000 a month isn’t a pipe dream—it’s a target you can absolutely hit if you follow the right steps.

I’m Daniel Fazio, co-founder of Client Ascension and ListKit, and I’m here to walk you through the exact blueprint I used to go from zero to $500,000 in monthly revenue.

But let me be real with you: this journey isn’t for the faint of heart.

When I say “24 months,” know that it took me 2.5 years to hit my first $100K month.

That’s faster than most, and it came with plenty of challenges and hard lessons. If you’re serious about this, you need to be prepared for the grind, the setbacks, and the moments of doubt. But if you stick with it, the rewards are more than worth it.

Why Focus on Services, Not Products to Get to $100k a month?

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: if you’re starting from scratch, selling services is your best bet. Why? Because products require money upfront—money you probably don’t have.

Services, on the other hand, require time, and I’m betting you’ve got more time than money right now. Plus, the beauty of selling services is that your income isn’t tied to the hours you work; it’s tied to the results you deliver. The better you are at getting results, the more you can charge. Simple as that.

Read next: Productized Services: The No-BS Guide to Making Real Money Online


  • Mastering Key Skills: Choose a profitable skillset in traffic generation, conversion, or backend operations. Learn via platforms like YouTube and apply what you learn to gain 'minimal viable competency.'
  • Building Your Client Base: Start by offering free or performance-based services to gain experience and build case studies. Use tools like Loom videos and Carrd landing pages to showcase your expertise and attract clients. Leverage cold outreach and content creation through personalized Loom videos and well-crafted cold emails.
  • Scaling and Growth: Transition to paid advertising once you have consistent cash flow and strong case studies. Create an info product to generate leads and build your email list, and expand into new offers like consulting services and high-ticket info products. Focus on building owned traffic channels and hire strategically as your business grows. Implement systems and automation to streamline your operations.
  • Beyond $100k/Month: Explore premium offerings like consulting and high-ticket info products. Consider both vertical and horizontal scaling to grow your business. Become more selective with clients, focusing on high-value relationships. Maintain a success-oriented mindset, embrace uncertainty, and persist through challenges.
  • Building a Brand: Create valuable and engaging content that demonstrates your expertise and showcases your unique perspective. Build a personal brand by sharing your journey and letting your personality shine through. Understand online subcultures and adapt your approach accordingly. Foster a thriving community where your audience can connect with you and each other.
  • Taking Action: Stop overthinking and start doing. Embrace the learning process, celebrate your wins, and have fun along the way. Remember that success comes down to taking action, persistence, and a willingness to learn and grow. Invest in your skills, prioritize your goals, and stay focused on your path.

Step 1: Skill Acquisition and Mastery

If you want to know how to make a 100K a month, the first step is to acquire the right skills. This isn’t about getting a college degree or landing a high-paying job; it’s about learning how to create substantial income through real-world, practical skills. When you’re just starting out, you have to focus on the basics, but you also need to stay focused on the skills that will actually move the needle in your business. Let's break down the core skills you need to master.

Core Skills You Need to Learn

To build a successful business, you need to focus on three key areas: traffic generation, traffic conversion, and backend management. Let’s break those down:

  • Traffic Generation: This is all about getting people’s attention and driving them to your business or your client’s business. It includes activities like sending out cold emails, running ads on platforms like Google, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok, mastering content marketing, optimizing for SEO, leveraging influencer marketing, and more. If you can drive traffic, you’re already halfway to making money.
  • Traffic Conversion: Once you’ve got the traffic, the next step is converting those eyeballs into paying customers. This involves skills like copywriting (assembling words on a page that get people to act), creating sales funnels, mastering email marketing, retaining customers, optimizing conversion rates, and developing ad creatives. The better you are at converting traffic, the more valuable you become.
  • Backend Management: This is the behind-the-scenes stuff that keeps everything running smoothly. It includes automation, accounting, branding, legal compliance, software development, and more. While it’s not as sexy as driving traffic or making sales, this is where the long-term money is made because it ties all your systems together.

The Learning Path: How to Get “Minimally Viably Competent”

Now, let’s talk about how you actually learn these skills. The beauty of the internet is that you can learn just about anything without stepping foot in a classroom. Here’s the path I recommend:

  • YouTube as a Learning Tool: Forget spending money on a college degree. Instead, spend 100 hours watching YouTube tutorials on the specific skills you need. For example, if you’re focusing on Google Ads, start by typing “Google Ads tutorial” into the search bar and watch every single video that comes up on the first two pages. Watch them at 1.5x speed to save time. Even if they’re repetitive, watch them. Repetition is what builds mastery.
  • Tree Branching Method: As you watch these videos, you’re going to have questions—a lot of questions. Write them down. Don’t stop to look them up just yet. Once you’ve gone through your initial videos, start searching for answers to those questions. This process will naturally lead you to deeper and deeper levels of understanding. You’ll start to see how all the pieces connect, and that’s when things start to click.
  • Practical Application: Watching videos is great, but nothing beats doing. Start creating Loom videos where you explain what you’ve learned, even if you’re just parroting back what you watched. Post these videos on YouTube, even if they’re rough and unpolished. This not only solidifies your learning but also positions you as someone who knows their stuff—even if you’re still learning.

Invest in Education (Not College)

Here’s the thing: there are people out there who have already made $100K a month. They’ve figured out the shortcuts, the pitfalls, and the best strategies. You can either try to figure it all out on your own or you can pay to learn from these people and avoid their mistakes. This is the smart move.

  • Internet Money: This community is meant for complete beginners. Packed with coaches who have been there, done that, and are willing to share their knowledge to help you make your first $1000/mo. It’s a great place to learn the ropes and ask questions directly to those who have already achieved what you’re aiming for.
  • Client Ascension: Meant for experienced business owners with some traction to get to $10k/mo+. If you’re serious about scaling your business, Client Ascension is where you want to be. It’s not just about learning skills—it’s about learning how to apply those skills to build a sustainable, scalable business.

The faster you learn and apply these skills, the faster you’ll hit that $100K/month mark. So get started today.

Step 2: Content Creation and Early Client Acquisition

Alright, you've got the skills, but let's be honest – as a beginner, you're not exactly a hot commodity. Clients aren't gonna throw money at you just because you say you can do the job. They need to trust you, and that means seeing some proof.

The Reality for Beginners

Here's the cold, hard truth: when you're starting out, you're a risk. Clients see you as more of a liability than an asset. They're thinking, "Is this person gonna waste my money, or are they actually gonna deliver results?"

Overcoming the Risk Factor

So, how do you get over this hump? Simple: offer to work for free or on a performance basis.

  • Free work: Yeah, I said it. It sucks, but it's the fastest way to build up your portfolio and gain experience.
  • Performance-based: This means the client only pays you if you achieve the agreed-upon results. It's a win-win – they take zero financial risk, and you get a chance to prove yourself.

Don't Fall for the "Get Rich Quick" Trap

There are a ton of gurus out there promising you can land high-paying clients with zero experience. Don't buy into the hype. You need to put in the work and build a foundation before you can command top dollar.

Creating Loom Videos: Your Ultimate Tool

Loom videos are a game-changer for beginners. They're quick, easy to create, and showcase your expertise without any fancy editing.

  • Address common questions: Think about the questions your ideal clients are asking and create videos that answer them.
  • Showcase your knowledge: Walk people through processes, share tips and tricks, and demonstrate your skills in action.
  • Call to action: Don't forget to include a clear CTA at the end of your videos, directing viewers to your landing page to book a call.

Building a Simple Landing Page

You don't need a complex website to start landing clients. A simple landing page will do the trick.

  • Use Carrd: It's affordable and easy to use, even if you have zero tech skills.
  • Include a Calendly embed: Make it easy for people to book a call with you directly from your landing page.

Leverage Free Tools

There are a ton of free tools out there that can help you run your business efficiently.

  • Google Meet: Perfect for client calls and consultations.
  • Calendly: Streamline your scheduling and avoid back-and-forth emails.

Dream 100 and Personalized Outreach

Identify your "Dream 100" clients – the companies you'd absolutely love to work with. Then, reach out to them with personalized Loom videos and cold emails.

  • Finding leads: Manually search for companies that fit your ideal client profile, or use tools like Anymail Finder or [invalid URL removed] to gather contact information.
  • Crafting your message: Tailor your outreach to each specific company, highlighting the results you've achieved for similar businesses.
  • Offer a performance-based arrangement: This shows you're confident in your abilities and eliminates the risk for the client.

Here is Client Ascension student Ayman Arab talking about the 'dream 100' method to scale to over $60k/mo in profit. He provides a free piece of value upfront with a loom to get the attention of his dream clients. Watch him explain in the video:

Building a successful business takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged if you don't land your dream client right away. Keep hustling, keep creating content, and keep putting yourself out there. The more you do, the closer you'll achieve your goals.

P.S., if you want to learn about strategies like the 'Dream 100' that Ayman used to close tens of thousands of dollars, then join Client Ascension where coaches making at least $100k/mo share their best tips, tricks, and tools to get there. Schedule a call today.

Step 3: Scaling and Building Assets

You've got your foot in the door, landed a few clients, and maybe even made some decent cash. Now it's time to shift gears and start scaling this thing up.

The Importance of Case Studies

Case studies are your golden ticket to attracting higher-paying clients. They're proof that you can deliver results, and they give potential clients the confidence to invest in your services.

  • Keep hustling: Don't stop doing free or performance-based work until you've got at least 2-3 solid case studies under your belt.
  • Aim high: Your case studies should showcase results that are 10x the value of your desired monthly fee. If you want to charge $5,000/month, you need to show you can generate $50,000/month in results.

Setting Clear Expectations

If you're working on a performance basis, make sure you and the client are on the same page about what constitutes "gross profit". Is it revenue minus ad spend? Revenue minus ad spend and cost of goods sold? Get it in writing to avoid any confusion down the line.

Leveraging Initial Success

Once you've got a few wins, it's time to amplify your reach.

  • More YouTube videos: Create videos showcasing your case studies, sharing your expertise, and providing valuable insights to your target audience.
  • Optimize for SEO (search engine optimization): Use relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags to get your videos in front of the right people.

Scaling with Cold Email

Cold email is a powerhouse for generating leads and landing clients at scale. But to do it right, you need the right tools.

  • Invest in domains: Buy multiple domains to spread out your email sending and improve deliverability.
  • Set up G Suite accounts: Each domain needs its own G Suite account for professional email addresses.
  • Use Smartlead.io: This is the cold email tool I swear by. It's got all the features you need to automate your outreach and get results.

Refining Your Targeting

Don't just blast out emails to anyone and everyone. Targeted outreach is key.

  • Use ListKit: This tool helps you extract highly targeted email lists based on your ideal client profile. Watch me scrape 10,000 leads in 30 seconds using the database:
  • Focus on quality over quantity: It's better to send 100 emails to highly qualified prospects than 1,000 emails to random people.

Crafting Compelling Cold Emails

Your cold emails need to grab attention and inspire action.

  • Highlight your results: Clearly articulate the results you've achieved for similar companies.
  • Offer a performance-based arrangement or a free walkthrough video: This reduces risk for the client and demonstrates your confidence.
  • Keep it short and sweet: Nobody wants to read a novel in their inbox. Get to the point quickly and make it easy for people to take the next step.

Setting KPIs

Track your progress and make sure your cold email efforts are paying off.

  • Aim for a 0.1% conversion rate: This means you should be getting at least one customer for every 1,000 prospects who go through your entire email sequence.

Troubleshooting Low Response Rates

If your response rates are low, it's time to troubleshoot.

  • Reassess your targeting: Are you reaching out to the right people?
  • Review your messaging: Is your email clear, concise, and compelling?
  • Check your deliverability: Are your emails even reaching people's inboxes?

Essential Assets for Success

Beyond cold email, there are a few other key assets you need to build a thriving online business.

  • Video sales letter (VSL): A video on your website that clearly explains your offer and its benefits.
  • Value-driven YouTube videos: Create tutorials, case studies, and other content that provides value to your target audience.
  • Active social media profiles: Establish a presence on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter/X, and post regularly to engage with your audience.
  • Case studies: Continue to build your portfolio of case studies to showcase your expertise and results.

Each of these assets plays a crucial role in attracting clients, building trust, and establishing your authority in your niche.

So, start creating content, refining your outreach, and building those assets. The more you do, the faster you'll scale your business and reach that $100k/month milestone.

Step 4: Hiring, Systems, and Paid Traffic

Alright, you're making some serious headway. You've got clients, you're generating cash flow, and you're starting to see the potential of this whole online business thing. Now, it's time to kick things into overdrive and really start scaling.

Transitioning to Paid Ads

Once you've got some consistent cash flow and a few case studies to back you up, it's time to dip your toes into the world of paid traffic.

  • Start with retargeting: Run YouTube ads specifically targeting people who have already engaged with your content. These folks are already familiar with you and your brand, so they're more likely to convert.

Creating an Info Product

An info product (like a course or an ebook) is a great way to generate leads and build your email list.

  • Keep it low-ticket: Price it affordably ($7-$100) to attract a wider audience.
  • Offer value: Make sure your product delivers real, actionable insights that your target audience will find useful.

Building an Audience

Use paid ads to promote your info product and start collecting those precious email addresses.

  • Nurture your list: Send regular emails with valuable content, updates, and promotions to keep your audience engaged.
  • Create a community: Consider starting a Facebook group or other online community where your audience can connect, ask questions, and support each other.

Expanding Your Offers

As your audience grows, you can start exploring additional revenue streams.

  • Consulting services: Offer one-on-one or group coaching to help clients implement your strategies and achieve their goals.
  • Higher-priced info products: Create more in-depth courses or masterminds for those who are ready to invest more in their growth.

The Power of Owned Traffic

Don't rely solely on paid advertising. Focus on building owned traffic channels like your email list and online community on Skool.

  • This gives you more control: You own your audience and can reach them directly without relying on third-party platforms.
  • It's more sustainable: You're not at the mercy of algorithm changes or rising ad costs.

Hiring and Systems: Build Your Dream Team

As your business grows, you'll need to start building a team and implementing systems to handle the increased workload.

  • Three departments: Your company will consist of three main departments:
    • Marketing/lead generation: Responsible for attracting new clients and generating leads
    • Sales: Responsible for converting leads into paying customers
    • Fulfillment: Responsible for delivering the services you've sold

When to Hire

Don't rush into hiring. Wait until you're consistently generating $10k-$20k/month, are at an 8-10/10 level of busy, and know how to do the work yourself.

The First Hire

Your first hire should be a virtual assistant (VA) to help with repetitive tasks that don't require a high level of expertise.

  • Use Upwork or OnlineJobs.ph: These platforms make it easy to find and hire talented VAs from around the world.

The Impact of Hiring

Be prepared for your workload to temporarily increase as you train your new hire. But once they're up to speed, you'll have more time to focus on growing your business.

Scaling Your Team

As your business continues to grow, keep hiring and delegating tasks to free up your time for high-level strategy and growth.

  • Hire a sales closer: Once you're generating $30k-$50k/month and are 80% removed from fulfillment, consider bringing on a commission-based sales closer to handle your sales calls.

The Ebb and Flow of Workload

Expect your workload to fluctuate as you hire, train, and launch new projects. Use any downtime to focus on other areas of the business, like creating content or refining your marketing strategy.

Building Systems

Implement systems and automation to streamline your processes and reduce manual work.

  • Use Zapier: Connect your different apps and automate repetitive tasks.
  • Use Trello or Asana: Create project management boards to keep track of tasks and deadlines.

Building a successful business is a process, not a destination. There will be ups and downs, challenges and breakthroughs. But by focusing on continuous learning, building a strong team, and leveraging the power of systems and automation, you can create a sustainable and scalable business that generates $100k/month and beyond.

Step 5: Beyond $100k/Month

You've hit that magical $100k/month mark. You're officially crushing it. But don't get complacent – the journey doesn't end here. It's time to think bigger, expand your horizons, and keep pushing those boundaries.

Expanding Your Offers

Now that you're established, consider adding some premium offerings to your arsenal.

  • Consulting: Share your expertise one-on-one or in group settings. Help clients strategize, troubleshoot, and implement your proven methods.
  • High-ticket info products: Create comprehensive courses or masterminds that delve deeper into advanced strategies and tactics.

Shift your focus from simply doing the work to teaching others how to get results. This is where the real scalability lies.

Vertical vs. Horizontal Scaling

There are two main ways to grow your business:

  • Vertical scaling: Offer different versions of your core service at various price points. This allows you to cater to clients at different stages of their business journey.
  • Horizontal scaling: Expand into new niches or markets. This can open up entirely new revenue streams and opportunities.

Becoming Selective

As your business grows, you'll have the luxury of being more selective about the clients you work with.

  • Focus on high-value clients: These are the clients who appreciate your expertise, are willing to pay premium prices, and are a joy to work with.
  • Say "no" to bad fits: Don't waste your time on clients who are difficult, demanding, or don't align with your values.

Qualifying Clients

Pay close attention to how potential clients behave and communicate during the sales process.

  • Red flags: Watch out for clients who are overly demanding, indecisive, or disrespectful. These are signs of a potentially toxic relationship.
  • Green lights: Prioritize clients who ask insightful questions, clearly articulate their goals, and are genuinely excited to work with you.

The Importance of Mindset

Building a successful business requires more than just skills and strategies. It also takes the right mindset.

  • Avoid laziness and entitlement: Success doesn't happen overnight. Be prepared to put in the work, make sacrifices, and hustle hard.
  • Embrace uncertainty: Stepping outside your comfort zone is essential for growth. Don't let fear of the unknown hold you back.
  • Break down complex tasks: Overwhelm is the enemy of progress. Break down big goals into smaller, more manageable steps.

The Power of Persistence

There will be setbacks, challenges, and moments of doubt. But don't give up.

  • Push through obstacles: Every successful entrepreneur has faced adversity. Use challenges as opportunities to learn and grow stronger.
  • Remember your "why": Reconnect with your reasons for starting this journey in the first place. This will fuel your motivation and keep you going when things get tough.

Taking Action: The Key to Success

Stop overthinking and start doing.

  • Every step counts: Even small actions can lead to big results over time.
  • Don't wait for perfection: Done is better than perfect. Launch your ideas, get feedback, and iterate.
  • Embrace the learning process: You'll make mistakes along the way, but that's part of the journey. Learn from your failures and keep moving forward.

The Importance of Skill

At the end of the day, your success will hinge on your skills and abilities.

  • Become exceptional: Strive to be the best at what you do. Continuously learn, improve, and refine your craft.
  • Invest in yourself: Attend workshops, conferences, and masterminds to expand your knowledge and network with other high achievers.

The Role of Sacrifice

Building a $100k/month business doesn't come easy. It requires sacrifice and dedication.

  • Be willing to invest: Invest your time, energy, and resources into your business.
  • Prioritize your goals: Make choices that align with your long-term vision, even if it means sacrificing short-term pleasures.
  • Stay focused: Avoid distractions and stay committed to your path.

You have the power to create the life you want. By embracing these principles and taking consistent action, you can achieve extraordinary success and build a business that not only generates significant income but also allows you to live life on your own terms.

Step 6: Content, Community, and Culture: Build a Brand That Lasts

We've covered a lot of ground, from skill acquisition to scaling your team. But there's one more crucial piece of the puzzle: building a brand that resonates with your audience.

The Power of Content

Content creation is your megaphone to the world. It's how you demonstrate your expertise, build an audience, and attract clients.

  • Provide value: Don't just create content for the sake of it. Focus on providing valuable insights, actionable tips, and solutions to your audience's pain points.
  • Showcase your perspective: Let your personality shine through. Share your unique insights, experiences, and stories to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Building a Personal Brand

People connect with people, not faceless businesses. Embrace the power of personal branding to build trust and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

  • Share your journey: Be transparent about your successes and failures. People love to see the human side of entrepreneurship.
  • Let your personality shine: Don't be afraid to be yourself. Inject your unique voice and style into your content.

Creating Compelling Content

Your content should be more than just informative – it should be engaging and inspiring.

  • Tell stories: Stories are a powerful way to connect with your audience and make your content memorable.
  • Use visuals: Break up your text with images, videos, and infographics to keep people engaged.
  • Focus on your audience: Create content that speaks directly to your target audience's needs and interests.

The Three Components of Engagement

To truly capture your audience's attention, your content needs to hit these three key points:

  1. Demonstration of competence and value: Show that you know your stuff and can provide real value to your audience.
  2. Proof of results and testimonials: Share your successes and let your clients speak for you.
  3. Guarantees or risk reversal: Give people the confidence to invest in your services by offering a money-back guarantee or other forms of risk reversal.

Pro tip: Learn to understand online subcultures and adapt your approach. Every online platform has its own unique culture and communication style. What works on Twitter might not work on LinkedIn. Tailor your content and engagement strategies to each specific platform.

Dealing with Negativity

You're gonna encounter haters and trolls. It's just part of the game.

  • Don't let them get to you: Focus on the positive feedback and the connections you're making.
  • Respond gracefully: If someone leaves a negative comment, address it professionally and move on. Don't get sucked into arguments or negativity spirals.

The Importance of Authenticity

Be yourself. People can spot a fake a mile away.

  • Be genuine and transparent: Share your true thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
  • Build trust: Authenticity fosters trust, and trust is the foundation of any successful relationship.

Building a Community

Create a space where your audience can connect with you and each other.

  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in discussions.
  • Foster a sense of belonging: Make people feel welcome and valued.
  • Create opportunities for connection: Host events, challenges, or Q&A sessions to bring your community together.

Leveraging Insights

Pay attention to the feedback you receive from your audience.

  • Use constructive criticism to improve: Don't be afraid to make changes based on what you're hearing.
  • Celebrate your successes: Take the time to acknowledge and appreciate the positive feedback you receive.

Embracing the Journey

Building an online business is an adventure. Enjoy the ride.

  • Celebrate your wins: Don't forget to celebrate your milestones and achievements along the way
  • Learn from your mistakes: Every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Have fun: If you're not enjoying the process, it's gonna show in your content and your interactions with your audience.

Building a successful online business is about more than just making money. It's about creating something meaningful, connecting with people, and making a positive impact on the world. So go out there, create amazing content, build a thriving community, and have fun along the way.

Ready to Skyrocket Your Business to $100k a Month?

That's it, the no-BS blueprint for learning how to make a 100k a month with your own online business. It's not gonna be easy, but it's absolutely within your reach. Remember, success in the online world, whether you're aiming to create passive income streams or build a multi-billion dollar company, comes down to taking action, persistence, and a willingness to learn and grow.

So, get out there, conduct thorough market research by analyzing search engine data, identify profitable niches, and refine your business model. Whether it's selling digital products, offering online courses, or building multiple income streams, remember that careful planning and a solid marketing strategy are key.

Don't be afraid to invest time and money into understanding market trends and refining your business idea. With dedication and the right approach, you can turn your dream of a profitable niche and passive income streams into a reality. Now, go out there, hustle hard, and make it happen.

Key takeaways

  • Choose a profitable skill: Focus on traffic generation, traffic conversion, or backend operations.
  • Embrace the learning process: Become minimally viably competent through dedicated study and practice.
  • Start with free or performance-based work: Build your portfolio and gain experience.
  • Craft a compelling offer: Focus on the results you can deliver, not just the service you provide.
  • Leverage cold outreach and content creation: Use a combination of cold email, cold DMs, and valuable content to attract clients.
  • Build systems and hire strategically: Streamline your processes and delegate tasks to free up your time for growth.
  • Expand your offers and scale your business: Once you're profitable, explore new revenue streams and grow your team.
  • Embrace the journey: Celebrate your successes, learn from your failures, and have fun along the way.

If you're serious about building a thriving online business, I invite you to check out Client Ascension. We'll help you master the skills, land high-paying clients, and scale your business to unimaginable heights.

We're so confident in our program that we offer a contractual guarantee: Sign between 5-25 of your next high-paying clients or get a full refund. No excuses, no BS – just results.

Click here to learn more and start your journey to financial freedom today.

Daniel Fazio, Co-founder at Client Ascension
Aug 23, 2024

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